Sally Paull

Company: Regeneron
Job title: Executive Vice President - Human Resources
Fireside Chat: Uncovering How to Tackle the Top Challenges & Opportunities Life Sciences CHROs Face in 2024 12:30 pm
Discussing the career trajectory of each life science CHRO and uncovering key skills you’d need to successfully lead your HR function into 2024 and beyond Revealing the strategies for promoting employee well-being (including flexible working options, specialty care programs) that are truly impactful to your workforce and organization Sharing best practices and lessons learned on…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Focus Day C-
Panel Discussion: Navigating the Growing Uncertainties in the Life Science Industry & Identifying Opportunities Ahead as an HR Leader 9:20 am
As the election looms closer, what do you anticipate will happen particularly to the US regulatory environment, its implications on the economy, increased unionism and other factors? How do you create a strategy that can flex to the needs of the future while catering to your organization’s needs at present? How can we as HR…Read more
day: Day One AM