Beth Perrone

Company: Merck & Co
Job title: Senior Vice President, Chief Talent & Strategy Officer
Discover: Developing a Strategic Roadmap With the C-Suite to Drive Culture & Leadership 3:40 pm
How can we execute a multi-year talent strategy aligned with their business goals? Key initiatives include rolling out 15 leadership skills, embedding them into talent practices, and creating a leader development program for different personas Uncover Mercks process of collaborating with the CEO and executive team, the challenges and pivots along the way, and the…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day Track A PM
Panel: Understanding AI Panel 1:00 pm
In this session, we will discuss the cautious yet growing interest in AI within the life sciences industry, particularly in HR processes. Despite its potential, adoption is slow due to concerns about cost, relevance, and practical implementation. Join us to learn about Cost-Effective AI: Examples of successful, low-cost AI adoption. Join this panel to gain…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day Track B AM