Monday, August 5, 2024 | 11:30am - 6pm

Focus Day Option A - Future Proofing Your Life Sciences Workforce

Rethinking Strategies to Empower the Future Generation of the Life Sciences Workforce

11:30 am Registration & Networking

12:25 pm Focus Day Chair Welcome

Examining Creative Ways to Empower the New Generation to Gain Confidence Within Their Role in a Life Science Organization

12:30 pm Fireside Chat: Inspiring the Future Generation of The Life Science Workforce: How Can You Engage Gen Z As They Enter the Workforce?

  • Manie Jerome Global People Experience Lead, People & Culture, Dewpoint Therapeutics
  • Kathy Roszczeda Director, US Human Resources, Callidatas Therapeutics


  • How can you empower new hires moving from academia into industry?
  • What soft skills need to be nurtured in early talent to support them acclimatizing into the role?
  • Discussing strategies to engage the new generation entering the workforce by upholding a learning culture

1:00 pm Action: What Will You Now Do Differently to Inspire the Future Generation of The Life Science Workforce?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

1:20 pm Networking Break

Sharing Creative Approaches to Build & Grow a Collaborative Culture Amongst Your Workforce

1:40 pm Discover: Harnessing the Power of Mentoring Circles at Scale to Foster a Collaborative Culture


  • Discussing the origins of mentoring circles and their evolution within the organization, highlighting the scalability and inclusivity they offer compared to traditional mentoring setups
  • Exploring the factors contributing to the widespread adoption and positive feedback from participants, emphasizing the sense of collaboration, community, and skill development fostered within the circles
  • Reflecting on Sobi’s learnings and best practices gathered from five iterations of the mentoring circle program, addressing challenges, scaling strategies, and continuous improvement efforts

2:00 pm Develop: How Can You Leverage Mentor Circles to Champion a Collaborative Culture?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

2:10 pm Mastermind Table Activity: How Do You Activate Employees to Be Co-Creators of Your Culture?


In this 30-minute interactive session, you will work with your peers on a series of situation-based questions. The aim of this session is to draw from the unique experiences of those in the room to come up with new ideas and solutions, leaving you with the inspiration and answers you need to address challenges in mastering how to encourage your employees to co-create your culture with you and how develop a framework to make this reality.

Discussion Points Include:

  • Best practices to gain buy-in from your people to make this change
  • How to build an inspiring culture
  • Next steps to build a framework championing this culture shift

2:50 pm Networking Break

3:00 pm Speed Learning


In this quick-fire session, each table will be hosted by an HR leader who will share the secrets of their most high-impact leap; you then get the opportunity to question the host before moving on to your next table.

Table 1: How Can You Empower New Hires Moving from Academia into Industry?

Table 2: What Tools Have You Found to Be Effective to Empower Your HR Team & Wider Organization?

Table 3: How Do You Build a Process & Connect It Back to Your People, Particularly the New Working Generation, To Inspire a Culture of Transparency & Open Communication?

  • Manie Jerome Global People Experience Lead, People & Culture, Dewpoint Therapeutics

4:00 pm Future Focused-Session Hosted by the LEAP HR Life Sciences Searchlight network


This future-focused final session of the pre-day will bring the entire audience from all three focus day tracks together for a not-to-be-missed practical, interactive, action-oriented round-table session. It’s designed to help you think about how you can now make a meaningful leap happen based on the ideas you’ve gained during the day (and that you’ll gain over the next two days). Working with Searchlight network veterans who also happen to be strategic people leaders in life sciences, you’ll be able to experience the practical benefits of Searchlight membership in a way which brings your pre-day experience to life.

5:00 pm ‘A Night at the Ballpark’ Themed Drinks Reception Hosted by TSP

Focus Day Option B - Accelerating AI Technologies to Empower Your HR Team

Uncovering Best Practice People Leaders Employ to Leverage Emerging AI Tools Within the Life Science Sector

11:30 am Registration & Networking

12:25 pm Focus Day Chair Welcome

Leveraging AI to Streamline Your Target Operating Model Transformation & Re-Engineer Your Talent Acquisition Strategy

12:30 pm Discover: Building Out a Robust Change Strategy to Enhance Technology Adoption & Streamline Target Operating Model Transformation Within Your Life Science Organization


  • Addressing common barriers to technology adoption, particularly in the context of AI, and strategies for mitigating resistance and fostering acceptance among your life science organization
  • Exploring key principles for fostering organizational readiness, driving stakeholder buy-in, and maximizing the impact of technological advancements
  • Uncovering Syneos Health’s lessons learned leveraging AI in change strategy as a catalyst for driving cultural transformation and achieving organizational success

1:00 pm Discover: Navigating the Intersection of Internal Skills & AI to Re-Engineer Your Talent Acquisition Strategy

  • Maureen Tanguay Global Head of Recruitment Operations & Talent Solutions, GSK


  • Gain insights into how to evaluate and select the right tools and technologies to optimize your talent acquisition efforts
  • Learn how to strategically integrate AI technologies into your organization’s talent acquisition process to enhance efficiency and effectiveness
  • Discover GSK’s approach to reimagine their skills-based hiring process to attract & retain the right candidates to bridge any internal skill gaps

1:20 pm Develop: How Can You Leverage AI to Streamline Your Target Operating Model Transformation & Re-Engineer Your Talent Acquisition Strategy?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

1:40 pm Action: What Will You Now Try Differently When Implementing AI to Empower Your Organizational Transformation Strategy or Talent Acquisition Plan?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

2:10 pm Networking Break

Supercharging Your HR Team’s Ways of Working Through AI & Other Novel Tools

2:20 pm Mastermind Table Activity: Uncovering the Emerging Tools HR Leaders Have Used to Supercharge Their HR Team’s Ways of Working


In this 30-minute interactive session, you will work with your peers on a series of situation-based questions. The aim of this session is to draw

from the unique experiences of those in the room to come up with new ideas and solutions, leaving you with the inspiration and answers you

need to leverage AI tools to improve your current workflows and empower your teams’ work.

Discussion Points Include:

  • Assessing what workflows would be beneficial to implement AI
  • Building a strategic plan to make this reality
  • Sharing tips and tricks in general HR roles, to talent development and TA

3:00 pm Networking Break

3:10 pm Breakout Roundtable Sessions


This session is your opportunity to share your most pressing challenges, and work as a group to come up with solutions that you can implement right away! Each topic area will have several small groups, and each group will have 35 minutes to discuss ways to use AI and other novel tools to empower your HR teams. Groups will then share their findings with all attendees in the last 10 minutes, giving you maximum exposure to new ideas.

This session will be moderated by the Focus Day Chair.

Table 1: What Concerns Have You Thought About with Using AI In Your Work?


• Discuss the potential for AI to perpetuate existing biases in hiring and talent management. How can HR leaders ensure fairness and equity in AI-driven decisions?

• Explore the challenges of maintaining employee data privacy and security when implementing AI tools. What strategies can be employed to protect sensitive information while leveraging AI technologies?

• Consider the implications of AI on the human aspect of HR. How can HR leaders balance the efficiency and insights provided by AI with the need for human empathy and interpersonal relationships in employee interactions?

Table 2: What HR or TA Processes Do You Believe Would Truly Benefit from Using AI?


• Discuss how AI can streamline the recruitment process, from resume screening to candidate matching, and the potential benefits of AI-driven assessments in identifying top talent

• Explore how AI tools can be used to analyze employee engagement data, predict turnover risks, and suggest personalized interventions to enhance employee satisfaction and retention

• Consider the advantages of AI in creating personalized learning paths, identifying skills gaps, and providing tailored training programs to support continuous employee development and career progression

4:00 pm Future Focused-Session Hosted by the LEAP HR Life Sciences Searchlight network


This future-focused final session of the pre-day will bring the entire audience from all three focus day tracks together for a not-to-be-missed practical, interactive, action-oriented round-table session. It’s designed to help you think about how you can now make a meaningful leap happen based on the ideas you’ve gained during the day (and that you’ll gain over the next two days). Working with Searchlight network veterans who also happen to be strategic people leaders in life sciences, you’ll be able to experience the practical benefits of Searchlight membership in a way which brings your pre-day experience to life.

5:00 pm Drinks Reception Hosted by TSP

Focus Day Option C - Uncovering the Evolving Role of the Life Science CHRO and the Aspiring Head of HR

Looking Ahead Into 2025 By Traversing Through the Haze of Current Uncertainties as the Life Science CHRO

11:30 am Registration & Networking

12:25 pm Focus Day Chair Welcome

  • Mary Weger Chief People Officer, Formerly Prokidney

Navigating the Top Challenges & Opportunities Life Sciences CHROs Face to Drive Organizational Success

12:30 pm Fireside Chat: Uncovering How to Tackle the Top Challenges & Opportunities Life Sciences CHROs Face in 2024

  • Jennifer Leonard Chief People Officer & Senior Vice President Information Technology, EyePoint Pharmaceuticals
  • Sally Paull Executive Vice President - Human Resources, Regeneron


  • Discussing the career trajectory of each life science CHRO and uncovering key skills you’d need to successfully lead your HR function into 2024 and beyond
  • Revealing the strategies for promoting employee well-being (including flexible working options, specialty care programs) that are truly impactful to your workforce and organization
  • Sharing best practices and lessons learned on how to influence life sciences organizational development at the strategic level and finding previously unknown ways to do this

1:00 pm Discover: Futureproofing Your Leadership Pipeline Using an Integrated Approach to Internal Mobility, Skills-Based Career Frameworks & Talent Dashboards


  • Explore through real-life case studies how we helped our clients:
  • Shift employee career growth focus to growing a portfolio of skills, instead of chasing titles
  • Unleash leadership mindsets on internal mobility using business simulations and talent dashboards

1:10 pm Networking Break

Aligning Your Business & People Strategy to Smoothly Navigate Success & Times of Change

1:30 pm Discover: Navigating Portfolio Shifts by Leveraging an Agile Operating Model to Ensure You Strategically Manage Your Talent


  • Exploring effective strategies for aligning HR practices with organizational portfolio shifts in the life sciences industry, covering talent retention tactics during program terminations, partnerships, or expansions
  • Discussing the balance between managing operating expenses and preserving a skilled workforce during times of change, including methods in optimizing resource allocation to support long-term sustainability and growth in the face of industry volatility
  • Uncovering Blueprint Medicine’s successful practices in retaining talent amidst portfolio fluctuations, demonstrating how HR initiatives can mitigate the impact of layoffs and maintain workforce stability while meeting market expectations

1:50 pm Discover: Aligning Your Business Strategy with Your People Strategy to Turbocharge Your Life Science Organization’s Success

  • David Topp Chief Human Resources Officer, Sterling Pharma Solutions


  • Identifying training and development requirements to support your organization’s 3–5-year aspirations including methods to assess current talent capabilities, skill gaps and more
  • Sharing best practices working with your CEO and executive team to gain stakeholder buy-in, fostering accountability and aligning business objectives with HR initiatives to drive organizational success
  • Exploring Sterling Pharma Solutions’ strategies to establish a direct linkage between organizational strategy and talent management through succession planning

2:10 pm Develop: How Can You Strategically Align Your Business & People Plans to Navigate Success & Support Your Talent During Times of Change?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

2:30 pm Action: What Are You Going to Try Differently to Align Your Business & People Strategy to Smoothly Navigate Successful & Challenging Times?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

2:50 pm Networking Break

3:10 pm Speed Learning


In this quick-fire session, each table will be hosted by an HR leader who will share the secrets of their most high-impact leap; you then get the opportunity to question the host before moving on to your next table.

Table 1: How Can You Better Collaborate with Executive Leadership to Maintain Employee Morale During Times of Change?

Table 2: As Your Company Evolves, How Can You Ensure Your Culture Remains a Driver of Your Organization’s Success?

  • Selene Li Head of Human Resources, US, Legend Biotech

4:00 pm Future Focused-Session Hosted by the LEAP HR Life Sciences Searchlight network


This future-focused final session of the pre-day will bring the entire audience from all three focus day tracks together for a not-to-be-missed practical, interactive, action-oriented round-table session. It’s designed to help you think about how you can now make a meaningful leap happen based on the ideas you’ve gained during the day (and that you’ll gain over the next two days). Working with Searchlight network veterans who also happen to be strategic people leaders in life sciences, you’ll be able to experience the practical benefits of Searchlight membership in a way which brings your pre-day experience to life.

5:00 pm ‘A Night at the Ballpark’ Themed Drinks Reception Hosted by TSP