Christina Beaulieu

Company: Abcam
Job title: Global Head of Human Resources
Panel: Applying Agile Workforce Models: Lessons from the Pharmaceutical Industry 4:30 pm
day: Day One End
Develop: How Else Can We Keep Employees Engaged & Motivated With Their Development in the Organization? 1:50 pm
After periods of rapid growth and entering a focus on business stability, employee engagement becomes a critical affair. With 45% of employees being burned out by organizational changes, HR leaders need to find new ways to keep these employees motivated through downturn and fewer career development opportunities. Engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave…Read more
day: Day One Track B PM
Discover: Implementing a “Learn 2 Earn” Program to Enhance Retention 1:30 pm
How can we balance employees desire to develop while balancing the business need for internal mobility and promotion? Implement a “Learn 2 Earn” program that provides employees opportunities to develop new skills and earn pay increases How Abcam implemented a program with four tiers, allowing employees to become proficient in different areas of logistics and…Read more
day: Day One Track B PM