Rob Markovic

Company: PHC Holdings Corp
Job title: Global Vice President - Workforce Planning & Talent Acquisition
Panel: Coaching HR to Business Partner Panel 8:50 am
How can we: Focus on developing HR teams as we develop the organization Ensure HR leaders role model behaviors and practices they promote Equip HR teams with business and financial acumen Prepare HR professionals to be business leaders, comfortable with numbers and metrics Address the existing gap in business and financial skills among HR professionalsRead more
day: Day Two Pre-Conference Breakfast Deep Dive
Develop: What Other Tweaks Can We Make to the Candidate Journey To Improve Experience? 11:30 am
This is a Q&A session designed to help you understand the ‘how’.Read more
day: Day One Track A AM
Discover: Enhancing Candidate Experience to Retain Engagement 10:50 am
How can we remain a competitive employer? Re-evaluate your candidate experience and journey How PHC Holdings are revitalizing their candidate journey, from initial touch points to interview feedback which has led to an increase in candidate satisfaction scoresRead more
day: Day One Track A AM