Tiffany Doyle

Company: Genentech
Job title: Global Senior Executive Talent Sourcing Partner & Americas Training Lead
Discover: Leveraging Free Tools & AI to Enhance Recruiting & Candidate Experience 1:40 pm
How can we implement solutions like automated outreach, scheduling, and resume screening to do more with less, while maintaining a human-centric approach? Utilize free online tools and AI-powered technologies to streamline recruiting processes and improve candidate satisfaction How Genentech have reduced time to hire and candidate satisfaction through their use of technology to enhance recruiting…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day Track B AM
Panel: Coaching HR to Business Partner Panel 8:50 am
How can we: Focus on developing HR teams as we develop the organization Ensure HR leaders role model behaviors and practices they promote Equip HR teams with business and financial acumen Prepare HR professionals to be business leaders, comfortable with numbers and metrics Address the existing gap in business and financial skills among HR professionalsRead more
day: Day Two Pre-Conference Breakfast Deep Dive
Develop: What Else Can We Do to Adjust to Changes in Technology? 2:20 pm
The life science industry is experiencing a cautious yet growing interest in AI and technology. While the potential for AI to revolutionize HR processes is widely recognized, the adoption rate is slow due to concerns about cost, relevance, and practical implementation. This session aims to address these concerns by providing actionable insights and real-world examples.…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day Track B AM